Friday, August 11, 2006

Good News Clubs Win Again In 4th Circuit

Yesterday in Child Evangelism Fellowship of Maryland, Inc. v. Montgomery County Public Schools, (4th Cir., Aug. 10, 2006), the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals again struck down the Montgomery County Maryland Public Schools' policy on approval of take-home flyers. The suit was brought by the Good News Clubs that wished to publicize their after-school Bible group meetings offered to elementary school students. In its second decision in the case, the court found that in a new policy adopted after an earlier one was struck down, the school system retained unfettered discretion in deciding which flyers could be sent home with children. Thus, even if the flyer policy involved merely a non-public forum, the unbridled discretion it gave to school officials violated free speech protections because it failed to assure that the policy would be administered in a viewpoint neutral manner. The Associated Press has a short article on the decision. [Thanks to Derek Gaubatz via Religionlaw for the information.]