Thursday, August 31, 2006

Malay Muslims Must Sue To Get Change In Religious Status

In Malaysia, where there is ongoing debate over the respective jurisdiction of civil and Syariah courts when a Muslim wishes to convert, last Monday brought a new judicial precedent. Today's New Straits Times reports that in Malaysia's Labuan Federal Territory, a Syariah court dismissed a petition by Kenneth Wong Chun Chiak (also known as Kenny Abdullah) to have his name removed from the Labuan Federal Territory Islamic Council register. Syariah High Court judge Husin Ahamad said that Chiak had followed the wrong procedures. Wong had filed an affidavit with the Council stating that he had converted, and asking for the change in records. The court, however, said that before a Muslim could convert, he was required to file suit under the Federal Territory Syariah Court Civil Procedures Act against the Federal Territory Islamic Council, and ask the Syariah court to adjudicate whether he can renounce Islam.