Thursday, August 31, 2006

Preacher Arrested For Decibel Level Of Revival

The Fort Payne (AL) Times-Journal yesterday reported that on Sunday, Fort Payne, Alabama police arrested an Oklahoma preacher at a tent revival, charging him with violating the city's noise ordinance. Guests at a nearby Holiday Inn had called police to complain about the noise level. Police on 3 visits to the revival requested organizers to turn down the amplifiers. While apparently some were turned off, the decibel level remained high and police finally handcuffed and arrested Rev. Dwayne Blue as he was leading the revival's closing prayer. When asked in municipal court how he wished to plead, Blue said "guilty, but I believe I was only guilty of praying". Later Blue explained, "We weren't being radical, we were just praying, and it wasn't a loud prayer. It was just a prayer to close out the services. I thought handcuffs and things of that nature were for criminals, but I don’t consider myself a criminal for praying for our country and praying for our nation and praying for revival. That’s not a criminal act." The court imposed a $50 fine, $173 in court costs and a suspended sentence of 24 months.