Thursday, August 10, 2006

University Of Wisconsin Refuses To Recognize Student KofC Group

The University of Wisconsin-Madison has refused to give formal recognition to the Knights of Columbus as a student organization. The University says that the Catholic men's organization violates university rules that prohibit student organizations from discriminating on the basis of religion, as well as a requirement that student organizations be student controlled. Today's Chicago Tribune says that the Alliance Defense fund has written the University demanding that it stop applying non-discrimination requirements to Christian student groups. The university says that its policies do not violate a 7th Circuit ruling last month granting a preliminary injunction forcing Southern Illinois University to recognize the Christian Legal Society.

UPDATE: The University of Wisconsin announced that it reached an agreement with the Knights of Columbus yesterday to create a student group open to all students that will be recognized by the University in time for the beginning of Fall semester.

UPDATE: On Thursday, the faculty adviser to the Knights of Columbus denied that an agreement had been reached with the University of Wisconsin.

UPDATE: Later on Thursday, the University apologized for its erroneous announcement of an agreeement with K of C. (Gazette Extra).