Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Study Says Texas High School Bible Courses Are Sectarian

Today's San Antonio Express News reports on a study by the Texas Freedom Network that finds a majority of Bible courses offered as electives in Texas high schools are devotional and sectarian rather than academic. The report says:
with a few notable exceptions, the public school courses currently taught in Texas often fail to meet minimal academic standards for teacher qualifications; curriculum, and academic rigor; promote one faith perspective over all others; and push an ideological agenda that is hostile to religious freedom, science and public education itself.
Courses are often taught by teachers with no academic training in biblical, religious or theological studies, and sometimes are taught by local clergy. However the report cited 3 districts that presented courses in a much more neutral manner. The full text of the report, titled Reading, Writing and Religion: Teaching the Bible in Texas Public Schools, is available online.