Sunday, October 15, 2006

Battles Over Christmas Displays Beginning

Christian groups opposed to limitations on public religious displays during the upcoming holiday season are already beginning to organize. Liberty Counsel has launched its "Fourth Annual Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign". It pledges to be the "Friend" of those who do not censor Christmas, and a "Foe" to those that do. It offers a "Help Save Christmas" package that includes legal memoranda, bumper stickers, buttons and sample ads.

Meanwhile in Berkley, Michigan, a group of residents, hearing that the city was considering possibly ending its 65 year tradition of displaying a nativity scene on city property, have formed a new group called "Stop the ACLU Tyranny". Michigan’s Hometown Life reporting last Friday on the developments quoted one member of the new group who describes the ACLU's position against the religious displays as "religious bigotry". (See prior posting.)