Sunday, October 01, 2006

Competing Guides Issued For Catholic Voters

The Catholic social justice group Catholics In Alliance for the Common Good last week published Voting for the Common Good: A Practical Guide for Conscientious Catholics. It is described as "an essential tool for Catholics who wish to vote their faith this November". The Washington Post on Saturday reported that the group hopes to distribute at least 1 million of the guides before the November elections. A competing voting guide issued this year by Catholic Answers, Voting Guide For Serious Catholics, says that there are "five issues involving non-negotiable moral values in current politics": abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning and same-sex marriage. In contrast, the guide issued by Catholics In Alliance says that Catholic voters should take into account a broader range of issues. It lists 18 issues that are important to Catholics, including poverty, immigration, the environment, global arms trade, workers' rights, nuclear disarmament and genocide.

Reacting to the new voter guide issued by Catholics In Alliance, Catholic League president Bill Donohue is quoted by LifeSite News as saying: "[It] is a slick attempt to get the abortion albatross off the necks of Catholic Democrats, but it's a failed effort-the noose is still there."