Thursday, October 19, 2006

Muslim Scholars Write Pope On His Regensburg Speech

Earlier this week, 38 Muslim scholars from 20 countries-- some of the who are also government officials-- sent a letter to Pope Benedict XVI criticizing the interpretation of Islam in the Pope's recent speech at the University of Regensburg, in Germany. A report by the Catholic News Services points out that one focus of the scholars' letter was on the Pope's remarks about the concept of jihad. The letter also said to the Pope: "We share your desire for frank and sincere dialogue, and recognize its importance in an increasingly interconnected world. Upon this sincere and frank dialogue we hope to continue to build peaceful and friendly relationships based upon mutual respect, justice, and what is common in essence in our shared Abrahamic tradition." The full text of the letter, and the list of its signers, has been published by Independent Catholic News.