Monday, October 09, 2006

Preacher Acquitted On Noise, Trespassing Charges

In Commonwealth v. McRae, (Case No. 0366 SA 2005, Sept. 27, 2006), the Dauphin County, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas acquitted Ronnie M. McRae, director of the World Wide Street Preacher's Fellowship of charges that he violated Harrisburgh's noise ordinance while preaching across the street from an annual PrideFest gay pride festival held in July 2005. The court held that it need not reach the question of the constitutionality of the ordinance, since the DVD of the event demonstrated that defendant's preaching was consistent with the level of noise that was occurring at the festival. The court also acquitted McRae of charges of "defiant trespass", because McRae was preaching on a sidewalk that was open to the public. (See prior related posting.) [Thanks to David Miller for sending me a copy of the court's opinion.]