Tuesday, October 24, 2006

RLUIPA Dispute Brewing Over Expansion of California Synagogue

Yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle reported on a threatened lawsuit under RLUIPA in a dispute over the expansion of the sole synagogue in wealthy Marin County, California. In May, the Town of Tiburon Planning Commission denied congregation Kol Shofar's application for a conditional use permit. (Minutes of May 10 and May 31 Commission meetings.) An appeal to the Town Council followed, and a decision is expected on Nov. 15. The building expansion, which may cost up to $15 million, is opposed by neighbors who claim it will increase traffic and noise and provides inadequate parking. [Thanks to both Eric Rassbach and Steven H. Sholk for sending information on this.]

UPDATE: Wednesday's San Francisco Chronicle reports on the hearing held Tuesday night by the Tiburon Town Council to discuss the Planning Commission's recommendation. The hearing pitted two high profile First Amendment lawyers against each other. Derek Gaubatz, director of litigation for the Becket Fund represented Congregation Kol Shofar, while law professor Marci Hamilton represented the synagogue's neighbors who are objecting to its expansion plans.