Friday, November 03, 2006

Sexual Charges Against Evangelical Leader Have Political Implications

Today's Washington Post says reports on the resignation of Ted Haggard as president of the National Association of Evangelicals over accusations that Haggard paid to maintain a 3-year gay sexual relationship with a Denver man, Mike Jones. Today's Rocky Mountain News says that Haggard was also accused of buying methamphetamine, a drug that enhances sexual experience. Apparently Haggard has admitted that some of the charges are accurate, saying he bought the drugs, but never used them. He says he only received a massage from Jones. A polygraph test taken by Haggard's accuser indicated deception on questions about sexual contact with Haggard. However Jones' lack of sleep, and a migrane from which he was suffering, may have affected the polygraph results. Analysis of a voice mail message reportedly implicated Haggard.

The Post speculates that the charges may have a negative impact on Republicans trying to rally their conservative Christian base to turn out for Tuesday's mid-term elections. Prof. William Martin of Rice University says. "This is one more factor that could increase the disillusionment of evangelicals with prominent leaders on the Christian right and with the political process as a whole, and some may conclude that perhaps their forebears were wise to be wary about politics."

Haggard today also stepped down as pastor of his 14,000-member New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Post says that Jones was impelled to come forward with his accusations at this time in part because in Colorado there are two issues on Tuesday's ballot relating to same-sex marriage. (Amendment 43 defining marriage as between one man and one woman, and Referendum I proposing a domestic partnership law.) Haggard has been an outspoken opponent of same-sex marriage. The May 2005 issue of Harpers carried a very long portrait of Haggard and his influence in an article titled Soldiers of Christ.