Monday, December 18, 2006

Another Menorah Dispute- This Time In Colorado

Yesterday's New York Times reports on the dispute in Fort Collins, Colorado over a rabbi's request to place a menorah on publicly-owned property for the eight days of Hanukkah. For the second year in a row, the Fort Collins Downtown Development Authority has refused to permit the menorah in Old Town Square. Several city council members, backing the decision, said they were concerned that permitting the menorah would open the way for many other religious groups and organizations to demand that their symbols be placed in Old Town Square as well. Many in Fort Collins think that the city is wrong is excluding the menorah. This year, as it did last year, CooperSmith's Pub and Brewing in Old Town Square has permitted the rabbi to place the 9-foot tall menorah on its privately-owned premises. Many other businesses and residents are displaying their own small menorahs in support of the city's small Jewish population.