Tuesday, December 05, 2006

City Operation Of Music From Church Steeple Challenged

In Jewett City, Connecticut, the state chapter of American Atheists is complaining about a loud speaker and CD player that was installed by the borough in the steeple of a Baptist Church located on the town's main street. The New London (CT) Day reported on the controversy last week.

Ten years ago, the town spent some unused grant monies for the equipment that is used to play music each hour, and to broadcast church bells on each quarter-hour. The town, and not the church, is responsible for the equipment and the choice of music. Most of the music played in non-religious. However, at the request of the borough treasurer, the nine o'clock selection each morning is Onward Christian Soldiers. And in the winter, religious Christmas songs are included in the repetoire. Some residents are concerned that the volume of the music is too loud. But American Atheists is concerned with the church-state issues in the town's operation of the equipment. It wants the town to sell the equipment to the church and have the church take control of the music. However the church is not interested.