Saturday, December 30, 2006

Invasive Fish Regulations Said To Violate Fish Owner's Free Exercise Rights

Wildlife regulations in the state of Maine prohibit importing or possessing koi-- an invasive fish species-- without a state permit. Today's Portland Press Herald reports that restaurant owner Cuong Ly is challenging on free exercise of religion grounds the state's insistence that he not put his ten pet koi on public display. On Friday he filed a court challenge to the restrictions. Prior to their seizure last July, for 15 years Ly had kept the fish in a 150-gallon aquarium in his restaurant. Ly says that his Feng shui spiritual beliefs require that the fish be seen in order for them to bring good luck to his restaurant. Originally the state insisted that he also implant identifying microchips in the fish, but now regulators have dropped that requirement in favor of Ly taking identifying photos of the fish.