Friday, January 12, 2007

FDA's Approval Of Cloned Animals Poses No Issue For Kashrut Certification

While some conservative religionists have objected to the Food and Drug Administration's recent approval of the safety of milk and meat from cloned animals (see prior posting), apparently cloned animals pose no problems for Orthodox Jewish determinations of whether meat is kosher. Wednesday's Washington Jewish Times reports that Maryland Rabbi Yitzchok Breitowitz said: "I do not see a kashrus issue here. Judaism as a whole does allow us to use creative ways of reproduction." Avrom Pollak, head of the Star-K agency that certifies food as kosher, said: "If it looks like a cow, if it chews its cud like a cow, if it has split hooves like a cow, then it's a cow; and how it got to be a cow does not affect its kosher status."