Saturday, January 06, 2007

Georgia Governor Will Propose Elimination of "Blaine Amendment"

Southern Voice yesterday reported that Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue’s December 12 speech to state lawmakers outlining his 2007 legislative agenda includes a proposal to amend Georgia’s constitution (Sec. IX) to eliminate prohibitions on state funding of social services delivered by faith-based organizations. The proposed Faith and Family Services Amendment would eliminate Georgia’s prohibition on pending that directly or indirectly aids any religious denomination, and would instead impose only the same limitations that the federal constitution does. (Governor’s press release.) Larry Pelligrini, a gay rights activist and statehouse lobbyist, says that the proposal will allow social service agencies that receive state contracts to discriminate against gays and lesbians, as well as allowing them to proselytize clients who receive services from them. However Bert Brantley, speaking for the Governor’s office, said—without specifying details-- that the amendment would not foster anti-gay discrimination by religious groups. The same amendment failed to get approval of the Georgia legislature last year. (See prior posting.)