Saturday, February 03, 2007

British Jewish Community Divided On Gay Adoption Rules

In Britain, organizations in the Jewish community differ somewhat in the extent of their support for the Catholic Church’s strong opposition to new Sexual Orientation Regulations that will require religiously sponsored social service agencies treat gay and lesbian couples equally with heterosexual couples in placing children for adoption. (See prior posting.) On Thursday, reported that Britain’s Federation of Synagogues called for strong support of the positions of the Catholic Church and the Church of England in opposition to the new requirements. However the Jewish Community’s leading adoption agency says it does not discriminate against any group or part of the community. Meanwhile, Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks, has issued an ambiguous press release, saying that Jewish law is committed to marriage and family, but at the same time the Jewish community is committed to compassion and sensitivity. The Board of Deputies of British Jews also issued an ambivalent statement.