Thursday, February 08, 2007

Muslim Teacher Harassed On Religious Grounds By Oklahoma Police

Little Rock (AK) THV News reports that a Little Rock kindergarten teacher, Nadiah Yusuf, has received an apology from the town of Webbers Falls, Oklahoma for the religious harassment to which she was subjected last November by two of the town's police officers. When Yusuf, on her way home from a teacher's conference in Tulsa, was pulled over for speeding, the officers-- seeing she was hearing a headscarf-- asked her if she knew the person who flew the plane into the World Trade Center. They also asked her why she was not a Christian, made her explain her religious beliefs and asked her if she had a copy of the Koran in her car. They detained her for over an hour searching her belongings for knives, guns or explosives. The town has fired one of the officers and demoted the other. Yusuf says both officers should be fired, and may sue if they are not.