Monday, February 26, 2007

NJ Rescue Mission Ordered To End Drug & Alcohol Treatment

In Asbury Park, New Jersey, the Market Street Mission, a gospel rescue mission seeking to operate a homeless shelter, was ordered last Thursday by the state Department of Social Services to stop providing alcohol and drug abuse treatment because the Mission has not obtained a permit. Yesterday's Asbury Park press reported on the new development. The battle between the Mission and local residents has been back and forth between the courts and the zoning board since 2005. The Mission believes its right to the free exercise of religion means it does not need a license. Asbury Park residents believe that the Mission will bring more homeless, unemployed people to the city and that the Mission does not properly screen its residents. In addition, Asbury Park is a city that was largely revitalized by a gay community, while the Mission believes that gays and lesbians require treatment for a sexual addiction.