Friday, February 02, 2007

President Speaks At National Prayer Breakfast

Yesterday President Bush spoke at the 55th National Prayer Breakfast held at the Hilton Washington Hotel. In his remarks (full text) he said: "Prayer changes hearts. Prayer changes lives. And prayer makes us a more compassionate and giving people. When we pray we surrender our will to the Almighty, and open ourselves up to His priorities and His touch. His call to love our neighbors as we would like to be loved ourselves is something that we hear when we pray. And we answer that call by reaching out to feed the hungry and clothe the poor and aid the widow and the orphan."

This year's breakfast attracted 3600 guests from 170 nations and all 50 states and U.S. territories. The keynote speaker was Dr. Frances Collins, Director of the Human Genome Project. Among the other speakers was U.S. Congressman Mike McIntyre (D-NC) who hosted a spiritual heritage tour of the U.S. Capitol the night before the breakfast. (