Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Property Ownership In Michigan Church Split Is Before State Court

Sunday's Grand Rapids, Michigan Press carried a story about a case scheduled for trial yesterday in state court involving the question of who owns the property of the Lamont, Michigan Christian Reformed Church. The battle is between those congregants who remained loyal to the parent body and local members who formed a new church-- allegedly a majority of the congregation-- after their pastor was defrocked by the parent body. At issue in the case is whether the Christian Reformed Church follows an hierarchical structure as to property disputes as well as to doctrine. If the judge finds it does, under settled First Amendment precedent he will leave determination of the property dispute to a church body. The dispute has begun its way through the Christian Reformed Church's decision making procedures, with a regional body already ruling in favor of those who remained loyal to the parent group. [Thanks to Brian D. Wassom for the lead.]