Friday, March 09, 2007

California Board Wants Picture Of Sikh Leader Eliminated From Textbook

The California State Board of Education on Thursday voted to ask Oxford University Press to remove from a 7th grade history textbook a controversial picture of a Sikh religious leader. The book pictures Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, wearing a crown and a close-cropped beard, while Sikh doctrine requires observant men to wear a turban and not shave. The picture was taken from a 19th century painting that Sikhs say make Nanak look like a Muslim. Reporting on the decision, yesterday's San Diego Tribune says that the Board also asked the publisher to cover the picture in books already printed, using a sticker with an explanation or an alternative picture. Sikh leaders would like future versions of the book to use an alternative picture of Nanak, rather than eliminating the picture, but they and the publisher cannot agree on an appropriate version.