Monday, March 26, 2007

Quebec To Require Muslim Women To Lift Veils To Vote

Marcel Blanchet, chief electoral officer of the Canadian province of Quebec, on Friday reversed his earlier interpretation of Quebec's voting law and ruled that Muslim women would be required to lift their niqab to show their face in order to identify themselves to vote. Saturday's National Post reports that Blanchet reversed himself after numerous e-mails and telephone calls suggested that voters might disrupt elections today. A campaign on the Internet encouraged voters to show up at the polls wearing paper bags over their heads or wearing Darth Vader masks. Blanchet said, however, that after today's election a serious debate on the issue must take place. Dr Mahfooz Kanwar, head of the Muslim Canadian Congress has suggested that Canada totally outlaw the niqab. He was quoted in today's Daily Times as saying that the veil is not required by Islam and "It should be against the law to hide your face in this society, period."