Friday, April 06, 2007

Christian Terrorism Simulation In New Jersey School Outrages ACLJ

NewsMax yesterday reported that the American Center for Law & Justice has complained to New Jersey's Burlington Township High School about a simulated terror attack used to train students to respond to a real emergency. In the simulation, two armed policemen pretending to be members of a right wing fundamentalist Christian group forced their way into the school and pretended to shoot students in the hallways. Then they took 10 students hostage and locked themselves in the school’s media center. Supposedly the intruders were angry because the daughter of one of them had been expelled for praying before class.

ACLJ's letter to school officials argues that the simulation, and particularly the publicity about it, violated the Establishment Clause by targeting and publicly demeaning the Christian religion. The letter demanded a public apology. ACLJ said that no other group in America would tolerate that kind of hostility.