Saturday, April 14, 2007

U Wisconsin-Superior Settles Suit Brought By Christian Student Group

Last week, a Wisconsin federal district judge approved a settlement by the University of Wisconsin- Superior of a suit brought against it by the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. The University had attempted to apply its non-discrimination rules to deny formal recognition to the group which required its officers to sign a statement affirming their Christian beliefs. IVCF claimed the refusal violated its First Amendment rights. In the settlement agreement, the University agrees to recognize IVCF as a student organization, give it some $1500 in student fees for its activities for the year, and to pay $20,000 in legal fees to the Alliance Defense Fund that represented IVCF in the lawsuit. Today’s Winona Daily News, reporting on the settlement, says that the University’s student government agreed several months ago to recognize IVCF. ADF also reports on the settlement.