Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Falwell Funeral Today As Public Figures Decide Whether To Attend

Rev. Jerry Falwell's funeral will be held today at 1:00 pm at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. It can be viewed online live at this link. There have been some interesting developments on who will and who will not be attending the Memorial Service. Among Republican presidential candidates, neither John McCain nor Rudy Giuliani will be at the funeral. (AP).

Because of the strong support that Falwell showed for the state of Israel, the Israeli Embassy in Washington will send a representative, though it has had some logistical problems in finding the appropriate person. Tonight begins the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, and it would be impossible to get back to Israel after the funeral in time for the start of the festival. However, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, president of the International Fellowship and Christians and Jews, will travel from Jerusalem to represent Israel. (Rosner's Blog, eMediaWire).

Less welcome at the funeral will be protesters representing the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church, known for picketing funerals of American veterans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The small church, led by Rev. Fred Phelps, has a number of attacks against Falwell posted on its website. It considers him too tolerant of diversity-- though says that in much less circumspect language. (Fox News.).