Monday, July 16, 2007

Wyoming City To Dedicate 10 Commandments In Monument Plaza

The movement toward erecting Ten Commandments monuments on public property continues. In Casper, Wyoming today the city will dedicate an "historic monument" plaza containing a Ten Commandments monument that was donated to the city in 1965 and was displayed in a city park until 2003 when it was removed under threat of a lawsuit. The new plaza will also feature five other monuments. They depict the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, the Mayflower Compact, the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta. Today's Jackson Hole Star Tribune reports that the city previously rejected an offer by Rev. Fred Phelps of Topeka, Kansas' Westboro Baptist Church to put up a monument declaring that University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, murdered because he was gay, is in hell.