Thursday, August 09, 2007

Right Wing Dutch Politican Says Koran Should Be Banned In Netherlands

In the Netherlands, right-wing politician Geert Wilders has stirred controversy by urging, in a letter to a national newspaper, that the Koran be banned in the country. DPA ysterday reported on the letter written by the leader of the Dutch Freedom party (PVV) to the daily Volkskrant, in which Wilders argues that the Koran is "fascist" and should be banned just as Mein Kampf is banned. Following publication of the letter, an attorney filed a complaint against Wilders with Dutch police charging Wilders with incitement against Muslims. The Dutch News reports today that most other political leaders have strongly criticized Wilders' proposals. Christian Democrat Foreign Minister Maxine Verhagen said that Wilders has "exceeded the boundaries of decency", and emphasized that religious freedom is strongly protected by the Dutch constitution. Verhagen has also sent Dutch ambassadors in other countries a copy of a letter in which the cabinet repudiates Wilders' statements.