Wednesday, November 07, 2007

White House Meeting With Israeli Religious Leaders Will Discuss Temple Mount

Arutz Sheva reported last Sunday that, ahead of the planned Annapolis Mid-East peace talks, an unusual three-day meeting has been scheduled by the White House with Israeli rabbinical leaders, along with members of the Islamic Wakf and Israeli Christian leaders. Reportedly the Washington meetings will discuss a proposal for the Jerusalem "Holy Basin" to be administered by a joint committee, rather than remain under Israeli sovereignty. During one of Secretary of State Condeleezza Rice's visits to Israel last month, a secret meeting with Jewish, Muslim and Christian religious leaders to discuss the Temple Mount took place. Following that meeting, Rice said that she understood that religious matters were at the root of the disagreements, but said that "if this matter is not solved, then nothing will be solved." The invitees to the White House meeting include Rabbi She'ar-Yashuv Cohen, Chief Rabbi of Haifa, who is strongly opposed to any Israeli withdrawal from the Temple Mount. He believes it should be open to Jewish worship and a synagogue should be constructed there. [Thanks to Joel Katz for the lead.]