Saturday, December 08, 2007

Naturalization Oath Modified To Accommodaate Raelian

The standard Oath of Allegiance for Naturalized Citizens prescribed by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services concludes with the phrase "so help me God". Las Vegas Now reports that at a naturalization ceremony on in Nevada on Friday former Swiss citizen Thomas Kaenzig convinced federal officials to permit him to take the oath without that final phrase. Kaenzig is a Raelian. Raelians believe that humans were created by a race of extraterrestrials. As a pacifist, Kaenzig was also permitted to exclude from his oath the promise to bear arms on behalf of the United States.

UPDATE: 8 CFR Sec. 337.1(b) specifically permits deletion of "so help me God" from the oath for reasons of conscience. [Thanks to posted Comment from Scott M.]