Sunday, December 09, 2007

San Joaquin Diocese Completes Formal Split From Episcopal Church

On Saturday, the Diocese of San Joaquin became the first entire diocese to break away from The Episcopal Church (TEC), though three to eight parishes are likely to remain affiliated with TEC. Today's New York Times reports that the formal vote confirmed a similar vote last year (see prior posting), and it lays the groundwork for extensive litigation between the Diocese and its former parent body. A number of lawsuits over ownership of church property are already pending between TEC and individual churches that have broken away. The San Joaquin Diocese, which has 47 parishes and 8,800 members, also voted to join either a foreign Anglican province or regional church. Ultimately a new province may be formed in North America to link the more conservative churches that are breaking away from the TEC. Dissatisfaction with more liberal doctrines of TEC were crystallized with the ordination in 2003 of a gay man as bishop of New Hampshire. (See prior related posting.)