Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Poll Expores Pakistanis Views on Islam

Yesterday World Public Opinion along with the U.S. Institute of Peace released an in-depth survey of Pakistani public opinion. The study titled Pakistani Public Opinion on Democracy, Islamist Militancy and Relations with the U.S. draws these conclusions on attitudes toward Islam:
There is strong public support for giving Islam a wider role in Pakistan. A large majority feels it is very important to live in a country that is governed according to Islamic principles. A majority says it would like to see Shari’a or Islamic law play a larger role in their country than it does today.

At the same time, there is little support for a shift towards extreme religious conservatism. Instead there is significant support for some reforms in the opposite direction. Only a small minority—even among those who want a greater role for Shari’a—wants to see the "Talibanization" of daily life increase. About two-thirds support a recent government plan to reform the madrassahs, including strong support among those favoring Shari’a. A plurality supports the Women’s Protection Act, which modifies existing law in the direction of greater women’s rights.
A World Public Opinion release summarizes the report and links to the detailed data, questionnaire and description of methodology.