Friday, January 18, 2008

NH Grand Jury Investigating Push-Polling Question On Romney's Mormon Beliefs

A New Hampshire grand jury is investigating charges that a political polling firm, Moore Information, engaged in illegal "push polling" in a November telephone poll it conducted, according to reports by the AP and AHN. New Hampshire Statutes Sec. 664:2 defines "push--polling" as a telephone poll asking questions that imply information about an opposing candidate's character, status, stance or record, where those called are likely to think the call is from a source independent of a candidate. Sec. 664:16-a requires anyone engaged in push-polling to identify the candidate on whose behalf the call is being made. At issue in this investigation is this question:
Mitt Romney is a member of the Mormon Church. Mormons believe the Book of Mormon is more correct than the Bible. Mormons claim the Book of Mormon was given to a prophet in the 1800's by the Angel Moroni. On any given day, the Mormon Church is working to baptize thousands of people who have already passed away so they can be converted to Mormonism and join in the Glory of God.

Based on this, would you agree or disagree with those who say the Mormon Church is a cult religion not in the American tradition?...
Under New Hampshire Statutes Sec. 664:1, the push-polling requirements do not apply to presidential primaries. At issue in this investigation is whether Moore's poll could affect the general election. The AP report on Wednesday said that Moore would fight the grand jury subpoena. However, the AHN report yesterday said that Moore has decided to cooperate with the state's Attorney General in the investigation. Moore Information denies that it engaged in push-polling.