Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Delaware Religion In School Case Settled

Jews on First reported yesterday that a settlement has been reached in Dobrich v. Indian River School District, a long-running lawsuit by two Jewish families against a school district in southeast Delaware. (Text of the Feb. 21 order approving settlement.) The suit alleged that the schools unconstitutionally fostered Christianity and forced religion on children. The settlement requires the school district to adopt policies to prevent teachers and other employees from promoting religion. They include a set of "real-world" examples illustrating how the policies will operate. All district personnel are required to read the new policies and sign a statement indicating they have done so. An undisclosed settlement amount will be paid by the school district's insurer. The settlement permits plaintiffs to continue their litigation over the school board's policy of opening its meetings with prayer. Portions of the settlement agreement and the identity of one of the plaintiff families will remain confidential. The Jews on First report includes excerpts from an interview with the mother of that family. (See prior related postings.)