Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Pastor Settles Dispute With Feds Over Unauthorized Travel To Iraq

The AP reported yesterday that New Jersey peace activist, Rev. Frederick Boyle, has reached a settlement agreement with federal authorities. In 2003, Boyle traveled to Iraq in violation of the Iraqi Sanctions Regulations then in effect. He was assessed a fine of $6700 by the Office of Foreign Asset Control. Represented by the ACLU (press release), in 2005 Boyle filed suit (full text of complaint) challenging the OFAC's regulations as being violative of the First and Fifth Amendments, the Administrative Procedure Act, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and international law. Under this week's settlement, Boyle will pay only a small part of the assessed fine (the exact amount was not disclosed), and the government will not to file criminal charges against him in connection with his trip. Commenting on the settlement, Boyle said: "I traveled into Iraq with a Christian peacemaker team. My purpose was to go there and pray with the people. I don't feel that there should have been any prosecution at all."