Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Scientology Demands Its Confidential Documents Be Removed From Wikileak

A law firm representing the Church of Scientology has demanded that the website Wikileaks remove the full unedited version of the Church of Scientology's Operating Thetan (OT) documents that it has posted online. M-Net today reports that this 612-page "bible" of Scientology-- titled The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology-- is normally restricted to top-ranking Scientology members. Wikileaks says it will release more Scientology documents next week. An e-mail demand letter (full text) from the Los Angeles law firm of Moxon & Kobrin says that Wikileaks is violating the Church's copyright in posting OT, which the letter describes as "confidential Advanced Technology of the Scientology religion." Wikileaks is set up to permit individuals to anonymously post confidential documents in an untraceable manner. It press release in response to the demand letter says it will not comply with the "legally abusive" request.