Friday, May 23, 2008

Cayman Islands Constitutional Proposal Responds To Concerns of Christians

Cayman Net News today published the latest version of the proposed new Constitution being drafted for the Cayman Islands. Earlier this year, Christians in the country expressed concern over the impact of a Bill of Rights on the country's traditional Christian heritage. (See prior posting.) the latest proposals appear to respond to these concerns, saying:
• It must be clear that the Bill of Rights will not affect our Christian traditions, in particular religious instruction in schools, or prayers in schools or public places.
• It must be clear that the Bill of Rights will not apply to controversial areas such as the recognition of sex change, gay marriage, or more liberal abortion laws.
• Although freedom of religion is an essential part of the Bill of Rights, it must be clear that the Government can still ban religious practices or preaching in the interests of public safety, public order, public health or public morality.