Thursday, May 15, 2008

Website Says Grassley's Investigation of Televangelists Reflects Religious Bias

Yesterday's Des Moines (IA) Register reports that a sophisticated website has been set up to attack the investigation of six "prosperity gospel" televangelists by Sen. Charles Grassley. (See prior posting.) The Believers Stand United website is sponsored by one of the groups under investigation-- Kenneth Copeland Ministries. The website argues that Grassley is "only targeting those Pentecostal-Charismatic churches who preach the 'Word of Faith' message and not any other churches.... It appears the inquiry is aimed at publicly questioning the religious beliefs of the targeted churches, their ministers, and their members while ignoring televangelists of other denominations. This violates the fundamental tenet of the First Amendment that the government should not single out any religion because of its beliefs. It also raises the question of religious bias against the Pentecostals and Charismatics who now number almost 70,000,000 Americans...."