Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fall-Out From Obama's Church Resignation Continues

Today's Washington Post carries an interesting front page story on the aftermath of Barack Obama's resignation from Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. The church's new pastor, Otis Moss III, released a statement earlier this month reflecting the church's view of events: "We are a wounded people and our wounds, the bruises from our encounter with history, have scarred our very souls." Rev. Barbara Reynolds, a lecturer at Howard University's School of Divinity, gave her interpretation of events: "If a politician wants to move up in government, he can come to church and jump and shout. But it is not okay to go to a church where they are speaking truth to power and talking about racism, sexism and capitalism."

Church members feel the church has been unfairly portrayed on the basis of a few negative events, while its broader devotion to battle racism and its creation of a community center with child care, couples counseling and service trips to Africa have been ignored. Meanwhile, some confusion exists over who is senior pastor at the church. Jeremiah Wright, who had supposedly retired, is still listed as senior pastor on last week's service program, but his successor Otis Moss III delivered the sermon.