Friday, June 27, 2008

White House Hosts Conference On Faith-Based Initiative

Yesterday and today the White House is hosting the "Innovations in Effective Compassion" National Conference, a meeting of over 1000 people interested in the federal Faith Based and Community Initiatives. In anticipation of the conference, OFBCI director, Jay Hein, held a press briefing (full text). Responding to a question about church-state issues raised by the program, Hein said:

I think really one of the stellar achievements of this initiative is that we've clarified ... what is allowable and what is not allowable, according to the First Amendment.... the President felt very strongly that it was wrong to just artificially close the door for those who were motivated by their private faith to perform a public service -- if they were creating these housing solutions for the homeless, and other important community outcome.

At the same time, we know that the First Amendment prohibits establishment of church, and so the President said very clearly that tax dollars are not to be used for spiritual mission -- only for secular mission; only for community service mission.

Yesterday as President Bush addressed the conference (full text of remarks), the White House issued a Fact Sheet on the Initiative. The President summarized the achievements of OFBCI:
we have helped level the playing field for faith-based groups and other charities -- especially small organizations that have struggled to compete for funds in the past. We've educated religious groups about their civil rights. We've made the federal grant application process more accessible and transparent. We've trained thousands of federal employees to ensure that government does not discriminate against faith-based organizations. We've ensured that these groups do not have to give up their religious character to receive taxpayer money.
The Justice Department has also released the text of Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey's remarks prepared for the conference. Describing the reexamination of federal policy represented by OFBCI, he said in part:
The Department of Justice has played, and will continue to play, a major role in that reexamination. In doing so, we built upon the principles behind Congress’s Charitable Choice laws and the Supreme Court’s First Amendment jurisprudence: that government must respect the essential character of faith-based providers; that no one needing help may be turned away because of his or her religion and that no one may be forced into religious practices; and that directly-awarded government funds must be spent on social services, not on religion.
UPDATE: Jim Towey, former director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives,writes a column in the June 28 Washington Post setting out questions on the future of the faith-based initiative that he believes should be asked of the Presidential candidates.