Friday, July 04, 2008

Press Groups Support En Banc Reivew In Eagle Case

Defendant Winslow Friday is asking the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals for en banc review of a decision that upheld his prosecution under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act for killing of an eagle to use in a tribal sun dance. (See prior posting.) In his review request, Friday has found unusual allies. The Wyoming Press Association and the Colorado Press Association have both filed motions to intervene to support the call for en banc review. The press groups object to the extensive review of "constitutional facts" undertaken by the Court of Appeals in its panel decision. Yesterday's Casper (WY) Star-Tribune reports that newspaper publishers fear the holding means they may have to defend defamation cases a second time on appeal, after they win at trial, instead of having the appellate court give deference to the findings of fact at trial.