Wednesday, August 27, 2008

British Prosecutor Says Religious Flagellation Was Child Cruelty

In Manchester, England, Syed Mustafa Zaidi is on trial for child cruelty after he encouraged two young boys to flog themselves with a 'zanjeer' (bladed whip) at a Matam ceremony held in Manchester last January. The ceremony, observed by some Shi'a Muslims, involves self-flagellation as part of a mourning period in the Muslim calendar. Yesterday's Manchester Evening News reports that in closing arguments at trial, the prosecutor said that children under 16 cannot legally consent to take part in the ceremony. The prosecutor also argued against any religious freedom defense because the ceremony is voluntary and not a fundamental doctrine of the Shi'a faith.

UPDATE: Monday's London Mail reports that the jury returned a verdict of guilty in the case after two and one-half hours of deliberation. Zaidi faces up to ten years in prison.