Monday, August 25, 2008

Campus Poster With Suggestive Picture of Jesus Tests Harassment Rules

At Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio, members of the campus Activists for Atheism club find that they are testing the scope of the school's anti-harassment rule that includes a prohibition on illustrations that mock or ridicule race or religion. Friday's Elyira Chronicle-Telegram reports that as part of Club Awareness Week, along with many other displays advertising student-run extracurricular organizations, the atheist group put up a poster showing a topless man kissing Jesus on the neck, and displaying the caption "Jesus Christ had a homosexual relationship?" Campus security guards refused to remove the poster as requested by complaining students, but after a few hours a student took it down. Christopher Burns, secretary- treasurer of the atheist group said it was not intended to mock Christianity, but to stir debate about a passage from the Secret Gospel of Mark. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]