Saturday, August 23, 2008

Palm Beach Neighborhood Dislikes Jewish Synagogue Meeting In Private Home

Yesterday's Palm Beach Post reports on a land use controversy in the Indian Wells neighborhood in Palm Beach County, Florida. An Orthodox Jewish congregation, Anshei Chesed, is holding servies each Friday evening and Saturday morning in a private home that apparently was purchased primarily for that use. Some 20 to 70 individuals walk to and from services each week end. Orthodox Jews do not drive on the Sabbath. Neighborhood spokesman Frank Cuomo, upset at the rights given by RLUIPA to religious groups, says that neighbors not want religious services to be held here, and that the Jewish group is using loopholes to be able to conduct them. The Post reports: "In the Florida suburbs, where sprawl is an indicator of opulence and debilitating heat is a year-round concern, finding a place within walking distance is tricky."