Sunday, September 21, 2008

Minister In Battle With Pennsylvania Town Over Use of Church For Homeless

Today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports on the battle in Brookville, Pennsylvania between the First Apostles Doctrine Church and zoning authorities. The church's minister, Rev. Jack L. Wisor, wants to use the church as a homeless shelter, saying providing shelter to "guests" is part of its ministry. However borough solicitor Stephen French says that homeless shelters are not permitted in areas zoned commercial where the 111 year old church is located. Rev. Wisor has already been fined $500 for allowing three homeless men to live in the church's parsonage. He has appealed to the Jefferson County Common Pleas Court. Wisor also objects to a code enforcement raid earlier this month which he alleges desecrated the church sanctuary. Borough solicitor French denies the allegations and says Wisor has told him that he is "going to hell" for making people homeless.