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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Pittsburgh Episcopal Diocese Makes Financial Arrangements For Split-Off
For several years, the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh has been moving toward separating from Episcopal Church (ECUSA) and affiliating with the more conservative Anglican Province of the Southern Cone. A final vote is expected on October 4. Yesterday's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that Calvary Episcopal Church has been leading the minority of parishes that object to Bishop Robert Duncan's plans. In 2003, it filed suit against the Diocese and settled the litigation through a 2005 agreement that endowment funds, but not necessarily parish property, would continue to be held by those loyal to ECUSA. Now, the Diocese has agreed to have an inventory of all its property carried out by an individual appointed by the court. It also agreed this week to allow parishes that oppose the secession to place diocese support payments in escrow accounts that will go to ECUSA. The Diocese agrees that a fair distribution of property will be arranged if the secession resolution passes next month. (See prior related posting.)