Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Preacher's Campus Activities In Designated Public Forum Upheld

In Davis v. Stratton, (ND NY, Sept. 9, 2008), a New York federal district court held that the Quad area at Schenectady County (NY) Community College is a "designated public forum" that is open to both students and non-students as a place for expressive activities. Baptist preacher Gregory Davis was preaching the Gospel and handing out religious tracts on the Quad when he was arrested for trespass. Davis was also videotaping his activities so he would have evidence to use in case he was accused of wrongdoing. The court held that not only was Davis' preaching and leafleting protected by the First Amendment, but so was his video taping since the photos were used on Davis's website to spread the Gospel. The court held that concern about privacy of students and administrators did not justify a ban on video taping. The court enjoined application of New York's trespass statute to Davis' activity on campus. Alliance Defense Fund issued a release on the decision.