Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Complaint To IRS Focuses On Unusual Political Endorsement By Church

Americans United has sent a letter (full text) to the Internal Revenue Service complaining about an unusual type of political endorsement by an Espanola, New Mexico church. As described by its press release:
Rock Christian Fellowship ... has posted two large photos on its building. One depicts an aborted fetus and has underneath it three last names of Democratic candidates: Obama, Udall and Lujan.... The other photo is of a healthy baby and has below it three last names of Republican candidates: McCain, Pearce and East..... The photo of the healthy baby is headlined "Life." Below the display are the words "YOU WILL DECIDE."
AU calls the photos a "stunt" and says that they violate tax code limitations on political involvement by 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. The New Mexican last week carried a story on the church's challenge to the ban on political activities, accompanied by photos of the display.