Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Legal Charges Against Anti-Scientology Group Members

BigNews.biz reports on two recent legal actions against members of Anonymous, an underground anti-Scientology organization. On Oct. 21, in Boston Municipal Court, defendant Gregg Housh admitted to leading a February 10, 2008 disturbance at the Boston Church of Scientology. The court continued the case charging disturbing the peace and disturbing religious services for one year, on the condition that Housh stay away from two Church of Scientology locations in Boston. Presumably charges will be dropped if the conditions are complied with for a year. Meanwhile on Oct. 17, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles filed a criminal information against Anonymous member Dmitriy Guzner who has agreed to plead guilty to charges of computer hacking for his role in a denial of service attack on Church of Scientology websites last January. (US Atty. Office Press Release). (See prior related posting.)