Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Apartment Manager- Tenant Battle Over Statue of Jesus

In Muncie, Indiana, owners of an apartment complex are in a dispute with one of their tenants, Daniel Long. Long has put up a 4-foot tall statue of Jesus outside his apartment patio door, including a spotlight that casts a shadow of the statue on the building. The statue is in a prominent place on the Colonial Crest apartment complex, and overlooks the location where voters will be voting in today's election. According to yesterday's Muncie Star-Press, apartment manager Mike Desloover has asked Long to remove the statute, and tried to physically remove it when Long failed to do so. Citing the Federal Fair Housing Act, Desloover is concerned that the prominent statute might be seen as indicating the complex is not welcoming to non-Christians. Long says the statue is his personal statement. He thinks of Jesus 24 hours a day and wants to have Jesus with him all the time.